Your Next Big Breakthrough: From Idea to Profitable Offer

Strategic Offer Development & Implementation for Entrepreneurs Ready to Turn Ideas Into Income

Discover the best-kept secret for turning your ideas into irresistible, money-making offers—with the tech and operational support to make it all happen smoothly.

Bring Your Vision to Life with The Digital Solutions Team

The digital solutions' team gold circle icon- it is a gold glitter circle with about 1/4 of it missing/open

You’ve got the ideas, the passion, and the drive—but maybe your offer isn’t hitting the mark, or you’re struggling to pull it all together. That’s where we come in. At The Digital Solutions Team, we help you take that spark of genius and turn it into a rock-solid offer that attracts clients and brings in revenue. Whether you’re full of ideas or you’ve tried a few things that didn’t quite work, we’re here to guide you to success.

And for neurodivergent entrepreneurs, we offer a personalized approach that plays to your strengths, so your offer feels right for you and your audience.

Choose Your Path To Success

Tier 1

Offer Strategy & Planning

Ready to nail down your offer? This is where it all starts. We’ll help you take your ideas and craft them into an offer that your ideal clients can’t resist. Perfect for those who have the vision but need a little help getting it market-ready.

Want to handle the implementation yourself? No problem. We’ll give you everything you need to get started, including a special Neuro-Aligned Option for those who need a plan that fits their unique way of working.

    • Kickoff Strategy Session: Let’s get clear on what makes your business tick and how we can turn that into an offer that sells.

    • Offer Structure & Pricing: We’ll build an offer that’s not just attractive—it’s profitable. You’ll get a blueprint that shows you exactly how to present and price your offer.

    • Implementation Roadmap: A clear, actionable plan to bring your offer to life. From tools to timelines, we’ve got you covered.

    • Entrepreneurs bursting with ideas but needing help to turn them into a profitable offer.

    • Business owners who have tried before but aren’t seeing the money they want.

    • Starting Rate: $2,000

    • Duration: 2-3 weeks

Tier 2

Offer Implementation & Tech Setup

Got the plan but need someone to make it happen? Tier 2 is all about taking your strategy and making it real. We’ll handle the tech, the setup, and the nitty-gritty details that make your offer run like clockwork.

For neurodivergent entrepreneurs, our Neuro-Aligned Option means everything is set up to work the way you do—no overwhelm, just smooth sailing.

    • Complete Tech Setup: We’ll get your CRM, payment systems, and automations up and running, so you can focus on what you do best.

    • Operational Workflow Design: Custom workflows and processes that keep your business running smoothly and efficiently.

    • Launch Support: We’ll be by your side during launch to make sure everything goes off without a hitch.

    • Entrepreneurs who need hands-on help to bring their offer to life.

    • Business owners who want a smooth, stress-free launch with everything handled by the pros.

    • Starting Rate: $3,500

    • Duration: 4-6 weeks

Tier 3

Ongoing Operations & Scaling Support

Ready to take it to the next level? Tier 3 is for those who want to keep growing, with ongoing support to fine-tune and scale your offer. We’re here to help you stay ahead of the game and keep the revenue rolling in.

Our Neuro-Aligned Option is also available here, making sure that as you grow, everything stays in sync with how you work best.

    • Monthly Performance Check-Ins: We’ll track your offer’s performance and keep optimizing to make sure you’re getting the best results.

    • System Upgrades & Optimization: As your business grows, we’ll keep your systems and processes up to date and running smoothly.

    • Strategic Scaling Advice: Get expert advice on how to expand your offers and grow your business without the headaches.

    • Entrepreneurs ready to scale their offer and keep the momentum going.

    • Business owners who want continuous support to make sure everything stays on track as they grow.

    • Starting Rate: $700

    • Duration: Ongoing (minimum 3-month commitment)

Our Secret Weapon: Neuro-Aligned Options Available at Every Tier

If you’re a neurodivergent entrepreneur, you know how important it is to have a plan that works for you. That’s why we offer Neuro-Aligned Options at every tier. Whether you’re just getting started or you’re ready to scale, we’ll tailor our approach to match your strengths, so you can succeed without the stress.

Check Out How DST Can Cater to Your Unique Needs…

  • Comprehensive Solutions: We don’t just give you a plan—we help you make it happen, from the first idea to full-scale implementation.

  • Pro-Level Expertise: With our deep tech and operations experience, we’ll ensure your offer isn’t just good—it’s unstoppable.

  • Tailored to You: Whether you need a neurodivergent-friendly plan or a straightforward process, we’ve got the expertise to make it work for you.

  • Proven Results: We’ve helped entrepreneurs like you turn ideas into profitable offers that keep clients returning. Now, it’s your turn.

Let's Make Your Offer a Winner!

Let's Make Your Offer a Winner!

Ready to see what’s possible? Book a discovery call today, and let’s talk about how The Digital Solutions Team can help you create, launch, and scale your next big offer. Whether you need a plan, the tools to make it happen, or ongoing support, we’ve got you covered.